Beauty Classic Пряжка Тканевой Диван С Пуфиком

Beauty Classic Пряжка Тканевой Диван С Пуфиком

Manufacturer:     Джинотти

Materials:     Fabric sofa with buttons  

Tags:          Solid wood feet with fabric  
Size:                245*102*66 cm

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The fabric sofa in classic style with retro feeling, strong visual impact and geometric three-dimensional shape.The deep swirl buckle by handmade with two large throw pillows decorated with flash, it tells the owner's individual taste everywhere.The green flannel keeps this sofa personalized without exaggerating.
Whether placed in a traditional drawing room or a contemporary setting, these sofas effortlessly bring a touch of old-world charm. The ornate carvings and tasteful embellishments add character and personality, creating a focal point that never fails to captivate.
Embrace the comfort and style of yesteryears, as you curl up with a cup of tea or entertain guests in unrivaled elegance. Let our classical British-inspired sofas become the centerpiece of your living space, creating an atmosphere that exudes sophistication and refinement.

Product parameters


245*102*66 см


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